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Art museums can still hold masses

Unsurprisingly, there are about 65 museums here, so it's a little difficult to narrow down the choices and pick a San Francisco museum that you definitely need to visit while on vacation here. The good news is that it's entirely possible to narrow down your choices based on your personal preferences. 

Museums are a great way to explore the history, art and future of a city. 

San Francisco
San Francisco

If this city puts a lot of effort into creating great places to learn about the arts, music, history and future of this city, then this city has a bright future.

The arts are something that is increasingly overlooked as budget cuts impact school curricula and more emphasis is placed on learning specific facts and details rather than student learning, but the arts are a very important part of social development. 

Think about it: what has survived generations of old and appears in museums today is usually some kind of art. Art is a way to express who we are, what we dream and hope for. If we remove art from our lives, we will stifle our society and endanger our posterity.

If you haven't guessed by now, I am very passionate about the arts and believe that art museums are an important part of not only preserving our past, but also securing our future. The first art museum I want to mention is of particular interest here because it not only showcases artists living in the San Francisco area, but also focuses on visual arts, performing arts, film and video. 

The name of this museum is Yerba Buena Center for the Arts and I seriously recommend that you take a few minutes out of your busy vacation to explore this beautiful center for the visual and performing arts.

Art comes in all shapes and sizes, and few places showcase it quite like the de Young Museum of Fine Arts in San Francisco. From paintings to sculptures to quilts, this museum offers amazing art collections as well as excellent exhibitions that rotate throughout the year. Treat your senses to a feast of color, light and texture when you visit de Young.

If you have time, you should check out Diego Rivera's mural project. This project is about the need to bring together all the cultures and histories that make Americans Americans into a single piece of art. Using historical Indian, Eskimo and Mexican artistic styles and combining them, the Pan-American Unity style emerges. 

While some may find the ideals behind it a bit lofty (I find them commendable), it is undeniable that the mural itself is an impressive piece of art. Although this is not a museum, I do think it is an important piece of art that is definitely worth mentioning.

Whether you have a deep and abiding passion for art or not, it's hard to deny the power that art can move and inspire people. For this reason alone, I believe it is important that we try to instill in our children a love of the arts, or at least an education in the arts. Museum exhibits are a great way to achieve this goal.

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